Yosra Martini, Syrian refugee at the Rio Olympics.
1998年8月3日,尤丝拉出生于叙利亚大马士革(阿拉伯语: دمشق ,英语:Damascus),叙利亚首都、叙境内第二大城市,古称大马色,是世界有人居住的最古老城市之一。大马士革在历史上曾是阿拉伯帝国倭马亚王朝的首都,号称“人间的花园”、“地上的天堂”。
On August 3, 1998, yusra was born in Damascus, Syria (Arabic: دمشق, English: Damascus), the capital of Syria and the second largest city in Syria, known as Damascus in ancient times, is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world. Damascus was once the capital of the Umayyad empire in history, known as "garden on earth" and "heaven on earth".