Qian Xi, an actor, singer and dancer from mainland China, is a member of tfboys.
He was born in Huaihua City, Hunan Province on November 28, 2000. He studied arts at the age of 2, began to learn dance at the age of 5 and began to perform on TV. He studied in the Central Academy of drama.
怀化市,别称“鹤城”,古称“鹤州”、“五溪”,处于武陵山脉和雪峰山脉之间, 自古以来就有“黔滇门户”、“全楚咽喉”之称,是中国中东部地区通往大西南的“桥头堡”。民国三十一年(1942年)5月9日,行政院原拟命名芷东县,因县治设在怀化驿,特命名怀化县。
Huaihua City, also known as "Hecheng" or "Hezhou&qu