雨宫天(あまみや そら、Sora Amamiya),日本的女性声优、歌手,所属事务所为Music Ray'n。
Yugongtian (あまみやそら, Sora Amamiya) is a Japanese female voice actor and singer, whose office is music ray'n.
1993年08月28日出生于日本东京都,代表作有《一周的朋友。》藤宫香织、《Tokyo Ghoul》雾岛董香、《斩!赤红之瞳》赤瞳、《ALDNOAH.ZERO》艾瑟依拉姆·薇瑟·艾莉欧斯亚、《七大罪》伊丽莎白·里昂妮丝、《可塑性记忆》艾拉、《Classroom☆Crisis》白崎伊莉丝、《魔物娘的相伴日常》米亚、《为美好的世界献上祝福!》阿克娅、《牙斗兽娘》宇崎瞳、《叛逆性百万亚瑟王》团长亚瑟等。
Born in Tokyo, Japan on August 28, 1993, his masterpiece is friends of a week. 》Tenggong Xiangzhi, Tokyo ghoul, Dong Xiang of Wudao, chop! Chihong's pupil《 ALDNOAH.ZERO 》Isaram Weiser eliosa, Elisabeth Leonis in the seven sins, Ella in the plastic memory, Elisabeth in the classroom crisis, MIA in the company of the witch, and best wishes for a better world! 》Akya, yukaki Tong in Yadou beast mother, Arthur, the leader of rebellious King Arthur, etc.